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Non-carbonated Beverage (NCB) Bottling Line
Non-carbonated Beverage (NCB) Bottling Line
· Reasonable design, compact structure, plus organic glass protective cover, which is an upgrade for its elegance and security. All parts contacting with material are made of 316 stainless steel.
· Equipped with well-known brands for sanitary centrifugal pump.
· It is suitable for non-carbonated liquid material with medium or low viscosity, requiring high filling accuracy and sanitation standard, such as condensed juice, tomato sauce, chili sauce, soybean sauce, vinegar, honey, edible oil, oyster sauce, chicken sauce and so on.
- Équipement de traitement: : 0574-65836556
- Matériel d'emballage : 025-52733601
- Fax : 0574-65836111
- E-mail : info@lehui.com
Address :
Xiangxi Electromechanical Industrial Park,
Xiangshan County,Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China
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