Water Deaeration and High-gravity Blending System

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Water Deaeration and High-gravity Blending System

Water Deaeration and High-gravity Blending System

Effective dust aspirating system,beautifies plant environment
Product consultation Tel:0574-65836556
Water Deaeration and High-gravity Blending System
Product introduction


● Cold deaeration: fully use the imported high ratio exterior area stuffing which can reduce tower height, achieve minimum consumption of CO2 low investment , and operation cost. The ratio of specific surface area comes to 1:750.

● Hot deaeration: apply the heat exchanger with small difference in temperature but large area plate. Take full advantage of the thermal recovery, reducing the consumption of steam and coolant.

● Designed to have self-circulation function which guarantees only the conformity deaeration water can flow out.

● Newly-designed beer mixing station, continuously mixes high-gravity beer and deaerated water with accurate mixing proportion.

● Integrated & no-dead corner design and manufacturing.


Design Data:

Deaeration mode: cold tower hot tower

Capacity of de-aerated water:10-50m3/h

Oxygen content in de-aerated water: ≤0.02 ppm

Outlet temperature of deareated water: 2℃

High-gravity dilution capability: 20-100 m3/h

Carbonation degree: ≥4.5 g/l

De-aeration control: on-line O2 content analysis instrument

Mixing control: automatic proportion control or beer density analysis instrument

Carbonic acid control: on-line CO2 content analysis instrument

Cooling medium: ammonia or alcohol water

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